Saturday, February 14, 2015

What we like • Whale 52, the loneliest fellow on this planet

I read about this in The Times yesterday and found it so sad I wanted to share it. This is about a male whale singing in a completely different frequency (52 hertz when other whales sing in the 17-18 hertz range) from other whales and appears to be living on his own, since other whales can't talk to him or don't understand him. He's been detected in 1989 and followed ever since. Nobody knows what he looks like or which species he belongs to: he could be a blue whale, a fin whale or even a cross between the two. The poor lonely chap has been nicknamed 'Whale 52' and a Kickstarter campaign has even been launched to make a film about him. More details on the link below: ... years.html

Statistics: Posted by cheerfulmadness — Sat Feb 14, 2015 1:21 pm

from Cheerful Madness!! T-Shirts


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